Against Atheism

The Purpose of Answering Atheistical Arguments:

The purpose of this piece, it should be understood, is not to attack any atheist but to unhinge all their arguments and refute any rebuttal they have against the Holy Writ or the Word of God Himself. It is an overly philosophical set of answers that do not claim the Scriptures are sources that care to answer to the extent that 8s asked of them. It is an attempt to logically dispel any supposedly sophisticated argument against God with the same amount of philosophy purported in the question itself. The best way to answer any of these questions - Or respond to them nonetheless - would be to actually explain the ideas that are much too big and general than the small and specific questions that atheists often ask. So, though the answers are not deep, this is due to the fact that they are only samples of a much larger framework that takes its own piece to explain.


Who created God and how could He exist without any one or thing to create Him?

No one can create God, for God is the Eternal One. According to His own name, Yahweh, ‘He Is’. He has no beginning. All things must have a beginning or a source but then that source must have a source itself. So all things flow from one source so there must be an actual source of all sources: that would be Yahweh, the Fount from whom all blessings flow. And such an assertion not only disproves atheism but proves the existence of God Himself. For all things must have a beginning but atheists believe it comes from a Big Bang. And many God-believers will agree with such a claim as long as it is understood that the bang is the Word of God that is eternally generated by the Father and also born before all ages.

But the atheist has no answer as to where the Big Bang came from. ‘Gasses’ they so often say - But from where did those gasses come from? 'We don't know - That is what we are still trying to figure out' is the answer I have always gotten. But even if there is an answer to that, any atheist who believes in only material things must know that material cannot be created or destroyed. So if there is one material from which the gasses came, what was it? And where did it come from? Do not such assertions assume an eternity past? Or was time created? And if time was created, then from what did time come from? All things must be constructed by things outside of themselves - Things which are not bound by their own constructions. For the believer, time was created by the One born by the Father before Time. But for the atheist, time always was or came from nothing. The former assertion means that such an eternal matter is the greatest and that time and matter have always existed (an unfathomable idea) and the latter is an assertion entirely incoherent with the laws of physics which the materialist atheists claim to uphold as their own religion.

Now suppose that these things somehow were true and not contradictory: even if time and material were uncreated but eternally existent, how could something happen in an eternity to bring about a beginning? An object in motion stays in motion but any object at rest stays at rest. If there is time and material at rest for an eternity, what will move it out of nowhere? And if one were to say that it was always moving then the universe would have been made an eternity ago because any object moving for an eternity would collide with anything else in its way in an eternity’s less time than if one of the objects moved out of nowhere.

And one must also wonder from where this object started that has been moving since eternity past and why it took an eternity to collide and cause the bang. Many atheists argue that the earth has existed for millions of years and might rebut that it did not take long for these items to collide but that it collided such a long time ago. Such an atheist, however, must understand that in an eternity, hundreds of billions of years are but no time at all. In fact, one billion years ago was still an eternity after eternity past (though a smaller eternity than the eternity that goes from the eternity past to today).

Why did God create everything only to revolve around Himself?

The Lord God creates all things to revolve around Himself because He Himself is actually a Himselves for He is one in substance and three in person. So even before all creation, the Lord God, being many persons within one substance, loved His own self. The Father loving the Son loving the Spirit loving the Father loving the Spirit loving the Son loving the Father. And the three all glorified one another. And even when the Son was incarnate and was anointed at His baptism, the Father did not decree that all know that He is the Father but declared that He was His Son. Similarly, He did not ask that anyone praise Him (not that that would be undue) but He said that His Son pleased Him and that others should praise Him. And the Father loved the Son since before the world was born. Similarly, the Son loved the Father and at all times gave Him glory and called on all people to glorify Him all the more as their own father. For He did not only glorify Him but also called all people into their Three-One-Self so that they might experience that love that was since eternity past all the way into eternity future. He made this clear by calling those that do the will of the Father His own brothers and sisters - Counting them equal to Himself though truly no one is equal to God. Similarly, He loved His own Spirit and told His followers to call to Him and to allow Him to work within them and through them. The Spirit also, when it had fallen on them at Pentecost, spoke through the Apostles so that Peter preached about Jesus. So then, just as before creations and even until now, they all love one another while they are all one. Yet no other God is like our God in that they all make humans not their siblings but slaves. They do not create them to rule with them but to labor for them. They do not come down to be with them but separate themselves from them and they do not sacrifice themselves for them but kill them for themselves.

Did God create morality or did it exist at the same time as God?

The Lord God is not only the most moral person but actually morality itself. He is not only a good God and the God of good but God is even goodness itself.  So then, God did not create morality in the beginning and then commanded anyone to live in accordance with it. Morality is the very essence of God that it is eternally generated from Him beginning before time itself. Nor did morality exist before or apart from God - Him needing to bow to it make others obey and live by it (and, following this line of reasoning, Him also bowing and submitting to it as if it were a god greater than He). No, God eternally generated goodness and, yet, is that very goodness itself. In fact there is no other theist that can claim that their God is the same as this. And this shows that all other gods are false in that they must be subservient to morality in that it either existed before them and was therefore greater (in the same way that the primogeniture is always greater than all of his younger siblings in strength, and power, and understanding) or the god needed to create it which would make the God ambiguous - Choosing some certain attributes and actions as immoral and others not. Yet the Lord God is good and goodness itself all at the same time.

And humans know that God is goodness by the fact that when they do something evil, they know in their heart the wrong that they have done and know that they have not acted in accordance with God's Way (Which God is Himself once again). This is especially true of those who follow Him who are even more aware of the wrong they do as they are even filled by God's Goodness who speaks to them and calls them to live as He once did when He was in the flesh and died on their behalf and was reborn again so that they too might be reborn. The Sacred Scriptures confirm this in the first narrative which explains how the man and woman did what was right in their own eyes and were shamed - Shame itself being when one knows that they have transgressed God's Goodness and gone against Him. And when God comes to walk with them they hide so that they may not be known (though all things are always exposed to and known by God). This is the same to how humans do evil in enclosed areas where no one can see them so that they do not get found though even they are aware that there is someone who sees them and who they are.

Why would God create the cosmos imperfect rather than perfect?

God created the entire cosmos together to be something extremely good. For Him to make it really good meant that He made it suitable for humans to reign and rule in it as representatives and images of Him. However, He did not make it complete because He desired exactly for humans to reign and rule as His representatives in the cosmos. This meant that they used the good cosmos that He had already made around them to do good. How could they do good if all the good had already been done? But God, being good, made all things the best good that they could be but not complete so that humans could creatively complete all things throughout their reign and rule under Him. And human beings hate to have everything already done and to be bored. While they hate numbing, impassioned tasks all the more, this was not what God had provided for them. The Sacred Scriptures teach us that God had made many trees that were good not only with fruit to eat but even beautiful to look at. But what of those that do not like to garden and find that boring work? There are a multitude of different jobs that people find boring or interesting depending on their personality and passions. While some enjoy dentistry or doctoring, others are bored by it or even troubled by the illnesses of others. While many like to make movies or music, some have no interest in such media and may even be bored by it but like music. And this goes for all things but to different extents so that some are more passionate but about only one thing and some are somewhat passionate but about many more things.

What, then, of the person who was not gifted in gardening? Such a question is easily understood by anyone who considers that the nature of a garden is that it is full of life and resources yet raw so that anyone could do anything by making use of the many materials from the ground. Anyone who may wish to build and live in a city may do that over time beginning with the most natural and basic tools of a garden. And anyone may use what is provided in a garden, through developing resources, to get to a point of making the music, movies, and other media previously mentioned. Though it would take time, such a thing would not be a problem at all since the Tree of Life which God commanded the humans to eat from would have supplied them with all the life and time to do anything and everything they may want in more since they would live for an eternity. And in fact, even if it took millions of years for such a human to develop what he needed to do as he desired, such a time would be less than a second in comparison to his eternal life under the wisdom of God and would even be a joy to him. But the first people were inclined to like gardening since God made sure that the first people had such passions being that they would begin in a garden.

But if he had placed them in a city that He had already completed there would be a multitude of problems. For how, in a city, would a human come to a conception of what a city is through inspiration if they already were born in a perfect city? Every city they would make after that would only be based on that perfect city and they would not sense any joy in the feeling of having conceptualized and created something original. And, further, a city is not over-flowing with natural resources but, in fact, only takes it's resources from gardens. Since all cities are based in gardens, God, in all His wisdom, made the garden for the humans and the humans for the garden. And the fact that it was a garden that God put humanity in is a statement to the fact that He blesses humanity with the highest honor as His images and representative rulers working with what is good to completion. And while there were unfinished aspects of the cosmos as the Lord God had made it, it was also full of all types of anomalies that proved it had to have been made according to some ultimate archetype. For scientists have observed that if the world were even an inch closer to the sun, everything would burn in mere moments but that it would freeze if it were an inch further away. Further, the world is full of water, which scientists say is three-fourths the surface of the earth - And though humans become so accustomed to it and even complain about its current state, we have yet to find such water in other planets let alone on the surface and in such a great amount. And while many atheists argue that there must be aliens because of all the open space that exists in the universe, they have yet to admit that this universe is unique in being able to support life. Scientists say they have found such types of planets light-years away and yet there is no proof that they even have life. Yet the earth stands with an abundance of everything necessary for life in accordance with the way God made it.

In its entirety, the universe is actually perfect for allowing life not only to continue but to grow and to flourish as the Lord made it. All of the pollution and imperfection that humans see as profanation of the earth also recognize that these faults are our own and not God's. If we had, in fact, continued to work in creation under God, it seems we would have been able to keep His cosmos pure from such pollution and profanation and even perfect it by His Wisdom. And again, the fact that is the state of our world and our world only is proof that it was designed according to an archetype - The ultimate archetype. But a design necessarily means a designer - God - but a god with no blueprint cannot make such a perfect universe.

Yet if there was a God that had an archetype outside Himself, He would not be all-wise nor all-powerful for He would be working only according to instructions. And who is all-knowing or all-powerful that heeds or works in accordance with instructions? For instructions do necessitate an instructor. So how can God make the cosmos according to a perfect plan yet be all-powerful and all-understanding? The answer is easy for any Christian who knows that God is the worker and instructor and instructions themselves since the Gospel Account of Saint John says that God was with the Logos - That is, the archetypal model and heavenly blueprint of the land - and was the Logos. Yet no other non-Trinitarian God can prove themself to have created such a great world according to some ultimate archetype while also being all-powerful and all-knowing.

Why did God create the cosmos knowing it would fall into chaos?

God created the cosmos entirely good together for humanity's sake and gave humanity the opportunity to represent Him as rulers but also allowed them to attempt to rule on their own. We humans, being full of ourselves, took the knowledge of good and bad for ourselves and rebelled against God. God, in His love, knowing such a thing would come to pass, allowed it to happen so that He might originally allow us to either choose Him or not and, when we didn't, give all of Himself up on our behalf. Consider a father who has a son that he raised in love and care and which he always gave good things to and taught right from wrong. This son grows up and betrays his father and hates him and lives his own life. Imagine even further that this same father had other children who went through these same phases of rebellion but which turned back to him. Even if the rebellion and hatred of all of these children in that phase brought about death and diseases to the rest of the house, this father, seeing his repentant children, cannot wish to not have had any children on account of the one father - He would then be a bad father in every sense.

In the same way, one might imagine how it would not be any better for a man to decide not to have any children because of the pain caused by that one son when there were many others that would be the cause of happiness. That father, hypothetically knowing the future of his family, if he were good, would choose to have it all rather than to discard the good on behalf of the evil. Some ask why God would allow so much evil when He never even needed to create good but would He not be even more evil if he never allowed either instead? And what of the evil son? Would not such a father desire for that son to be unborn? Fathers cannot force anything upon their children even in the hypothetical scenario where they can see into the future. But, even if he were allowed to have his son think how he wants and only in that way, would he not still be bad for desiring that his children become like mindless robots or even zombies which bend at his every will. Truly, many accuse God of being selfish in desiring His own glory but then prove their own ambivalency in saying He's a monster for allowing evil.

Why did God need 7 days to create the cosmos if He is truly omnipotent?

The Lord God, not needing 7 days to do anything - Not needing any time at all, in fact - created all things in 6 days and rested on the seventh to show humanity how they are to spread out tasks they can also do throughout time but also to leave time to rest. For God could have had everything exist all at once, but, desiring to show humanity His wisdom in designing the universe for rest, set the seventh day as one for all people to rest. And many atheists and pagans do not take such a day to rest - Some even working every day of the week. And despite their claims that they are truly happy from this, they are confused from the inside out. For they work to what end? To obtain money? To complete a task? Has not nature taught such a person that they will eventually die? They say they will enjoy the fruit of their labor when it is done but they, being so accustomed to continuing in the habit that they had already set for themselves, continue on working. And sometimes they even die before enjoying the fruits of their labors - Sometimes even dying from overworking themselves! What profit is their labor then? They work so hard that they make it a habit of never enjoying the profit of it all.

And some object by saying that the work will stand for the ages to come so that at least others can enjoy it but every other generation will die as well. And oftentimes structures, moments, and other works simply fall into decay so that within not too long they are non-functional for others - Even oftentimes inhibiting others from doing as they desire because of the space which they take up. And even if all people could advance themselves to the point of having finished all their work and rest for the rest of their lives, they would not be happy. For even those that are old and retired are often related at first to have the free time but then find that they are actually bored and go back to work again. When will the cycle stop that is driving humanity into tireless vanity? Yet the Lord God established the seventh day as the last day - Creating the calendar of the cosmos. For all peoples all around the world throughout all time have recognized that there are seven days. Whether they used lunar or solar calendar or we're near-eastern or mesoamericana they all had seven-day weeks. And in fact we carry on this tradition with the incapacity to break out of it as a proof that it is ordained by God Himself to stand throughout all generations forever.

For even if anyone wished to rebel against the all-powerful plan of God, they would find that their very being would be in opposition to nature. For nature has it so that the very moon waxes and wanes in cycles of seven and not any other number. And this is because God made the moon and all other stars to govern the times and show us the signs for every sacred season. And not only did God make the light on the moon move according to its next phase every seven days, but He also made seven other planets that one from earth will see pass by regularly. And besides this, one will see in the Sacred Scriptures how God also gave Noah, that is "rest", a sign in the sky that is made up of seven colors. And that sign is the sign of the new and less corrupted creation. And there many more sevens that are all throughout the world in accordance with the wise design of the all-knowing God. And these are all further proof that the seven-day creation was not only greater than an instantaneous one but that it was also what actually happened.

And in fact it only proves that God is most powerful to have finished creation over the period of seven days instead of all at once. For those with true power need not feel that they do all things at once but spread it out over time. This is easily comparable to one who has gallons upon gallons of butter who does not feel the need to eat all of it at once to prove his plenty but spreads it out over all his food throughout a lot of time. And how much more will this apply to the God over all creation who lacks no thing but is in all and through and over all and in fact owns all. And this truth is even passed down to us in a fable known to all people: that is, the Tortoise and the Hare. For the Hare, being the truer faster one, after having come to the end of the race, stops to take a rest so that the Tortoise would see him pass the line and know that he had been there some time before. The difference is that the Lord needs not prove Himself but rather runs beside the human who is so slow that he needs a rest on the seventh day. The Lord, then, knowing this, rests besides him - But without any heaving or huffing from any hard work. For all things are not only possible with the Lord but are even easy.

Why would God create a creature such as the satan if He knew it would rebel and do evil?

This question comes from the same philosophical presupposition as the other which asks why God would create humans if he knew they would rebel. It assumes that God holds responsibility for the evil of anyone He created. However, parents are not punished for the wrongdoing of their progenitor - Not even their primogeniture. And though the satan and watchers were made higher than all the other angels and were in fact archangels, they disobeyed God and God is not held anymore responsible for them than a parent is for their primogeniture. And one might wonder why God is not held extra accountable because of His foreknowledge of the opposers and their disobedience to come. However, again, the Lord God allows anyone to obey or disobey Him according to His perfect plan so that He might create creatures with a true volition and not one that is superficial. Again, one must imagine a father who has a son with volition. This father would be utterly evil were he to desire to have a robot instead of this son even though the son breaks his heart. And at anyone hearing of such a father having a son, all would cheer and congratulate him for the love that he is to have for such a son. But at the purchase of a robot, some might even look down on such a many as lazy and incapable and in need of an inanimate being to do his work. One who will not train and teach his sons.

Contrary to common conception, it is not true that no being has any volition if they do not do any wrong since God is not only a being but the Being of all beings. And in fact He is the model being after which He images humanity. But the fact that some creatures do evil and others of that same species do not is proof that all of them have volition and that their maker is not evil or even bad in training them up but that they have volition and will do things either in accordance with their own wills and assumptions or according to the will of the Word of God. And this is true of the angels and watchers since some had gone astray after the daughters of man but there are some that stayed true. It is ironic, in fact, that anyone would argue this against God while also claiming that He is most evil for desiring all things to submit to Himself (Which is another question in and of itself). For if God really made all things with some evil intent that they might all bow to Him and serve Him in whatever way He wanted, He would have made them without any will or volition. And it is true that God wants all things and people to submit to Him since that is most proper. But it does not follow that that is the only reason for creation. In fact, the Lord allows the other angels to inform Him and give Him council despite the fact that He is most knowing and in no need of council. If God is evil for desiring all things to submit to Himself, then how can it follow that He is also evil in allowing beings to not submit to Him?